AMS Dating Lab Beta Analytic Co-Sponsors HOBET Conference 2012

Saturday, January 28th, 2012

Beta Analytic is one of the sponsors of this year’s Interdisciplinary Forum on Human Origins: Behavior, Environment and Technology (HOBET) currently held in Liverpool, UK. The three-day event hosted by the University of Liverpool’s Department of Archaeology, Classics, and Egyptology ends January 28, 2012.

Themes for this year’s conference include: (a) Human evolution in Europe: Archaeology and behavior, (b) Cognition and language, (c) African palaeoclimate and geochronology, (d) Lithic analysis and the origins of early technology, (e) Faunal exploitation strategies in the palaeolithic, and (f) Human responses to climate change: demography, migration, and symbolism.

HOBET was created by five leading UK research institutions specializing in the study of the archaeology of human origins. The forum aims to bring together academics from archaeology, anthropology, geography, environmental sciences, evolutionary psychology, anatomy, and the biological sciences to discuss and debate key issues concerning the origin of the Homo sapiens.

Aside from the University of Liverpool, the other founding institutions include the University of Sheffield, Cambridge University, Oxford University, and the University of Southampton. The founding institutions take turns in hosting HOBET each year featuring sessions that reflect their research interests. The 2013 HOBET will be hosted by Cambridge University.

Beta Analytic would like to thank HOBET organizer Ms. Sally Hoare for her assistance in the display and distribution of the company’s advertising materials at the event.

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ISO/IEC 17025:2005-accredited Beta Analytic supports researchers in the UK by providing fast, professional radiocarbon dating services. The laboratory’s standard AMS service has a turnaround time of 14 business days or less. Faster services are available with results reported between 2 to 6 business days.

Beta Analytic has maintained a sample forwarding facility at the London BioScience Innovation Centre to provide its clients a convenient and cost-effective way to send samples to the main office in Miami, Florida. All samples sent to London are forwarded to Miami the same day via overnight courier service at Beta Analytic’s expense. The London office is also Beta Analytic’s forwarding facility for the rest of Europe.

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Beta Analytic Limited
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United Kingdom
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AMS Dating Lab Beta Analytic Co-Sponsors HOBET Conference 2012


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